Monday, September 17, 2012

Call Me Maybe?

September 14, 2012
Friday started out with Mike and Brad's indoor soccer game. Unfortunately, the game was so early (5:10) in the evening that half of their players couldn't come because of work! They played half the game with zero substitutes, until Mike was able to get there.
Luckily for Mike and Brad, they have a supportive family and I was joined in the stands by Allyson, (Mom) Ed, (Dad) and Sara (Sister!)

Brad's pretty much the coach. He plays all over the place, and
we learned Friday he is an amazing goalie!

The best part about indoor soccer is that they can play off walls!
Mike got pretty good at using the wall!

That night, Mike's family came up to our apartment in Salt Lake and played Apples to Apples with us! It was so fun! I am so blessed to be a part of his supportive and loving family!

September 15, 2012
Saturday was spent in the Riding basement with Derek Jones and Brad. For work, Brad needed to make a recording of "Call Me Maybe" but the lyrics were changed to fit their work situation. 
They are so musically talented! 
They put the song together all from scratch! 

First they set the beat with Brad on drums!

Good thing Derek knew how to work all the equipment!
It definitely looked confusing!

Then, Mike did the bass!

They added the acoustic guitar and the electric.

That night was also Olivia Maybe's (soon to be Parmley) Bridal Shower! 
She is so beautiful! It was so fun to get together with these girls!

For one of the games, Rian and Heather asked Jacob a lot of questions and Livi had to answer them. If she got them wrong, she had to eat bubble gum. If she got them right, however, WE had to eat bubble gum!
Unfortunately, the gum was super hard! 

Livi definitely had the most gum!

But we were not far behind!

September 16, 2012
Today was our 1 month mark! Normally, I'm not huge on marking the length of a relationship, but I feel like being married 1 month is something to celebrate! Anyway, Mike bought me flowers a couple of days before! 

Basically I'm obsessed with them!
(It was also National Redhead Day! He's the best!) :)

After church, we headed to Orem to celebrate Christian's (my brother) Birthday! 
Christian has been married to Michelle for 2 years now and they just had their first child! 
His name is Benjamin Christian Wagner and seeing as he's our first human nephew, we are all in love with him. Plus, HE IS SO ADORABLE! 
It seems most of our Sunday dinners are spent fighting over who gets to hold him!

Usually Grandma and Grandpa win!

We're also working on replacing the stereo in our car! 
Lucky for us, Bryan is basically a professional at car stereos! 
He spent a half hour helping us/teaching Mike how to do it!

Our night ended back in the Riding's basement working on "Call Me Maybe." The final product sounds way rad, but I don't think any of us 
will be listening to Carly Rae Jepsen anytime soon!
It was definitely an eventful weekend but we were so glad we could spend it with people we love! 

x o x

Kate LaPriel

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Home :)

Because Mike works in Salt Lake, it seemed only natural for us to move to here.
Lucky for us, Mike's brother Dan, and wife Jaimie had friends living in Salt Lake that were getting ready to move. 
They lived in this awesome  basement apartment just North of Temple Square, and the timing was just perfect enough that Michael and I scored the apartment!

Mike and I really wanted a nice couch so people would come over and hang out!
We went to Ikea and found this beauty!

The best part is that it opens up into a bed!
Anyway, welcome to our living room!

This is our kitchen. It is definitely very small, but it gets the job done!
We're planning on decorating it as a Coca-Cola themed Kitchen,
but the decorating is slow coming :)

This is our lovely pink bathroom.
I dunno who tiled these walls but nice color choice!

The best part of the bathroom!
It's not a shower. It's not a tub. It's the SHWUB!
1/2 shower. 1/2 bathtub.

To get to the rest of our apartment, you walk down a hallway!
On the left we have our bathroom, our spare bedroom, and then
way down at the end, is our bedroom.
On the right is a wall of closets! Lots of nice storage room!

This is the bedroom! We were so excited about how large this bedroom is!
It has a walk in closet and even a separate room for the washer and dryer!
We love our bedding too! We saw it at Bed Bath and Beyond
and immediately fell in love!

Lucky for us, the landlady here is such a sweetheart!
The best part?
After we moved in, we found out that Mike's great Aunt and Uncle live in the back half of the house!

Needless to say we have been extremely blessed!


Katie LaPriel

Monday, September 10, 2012

7 days later... :)

My husband and I kind of have a crazy love story. Since most don't know all of the details, here they are! :)

April 2, 2012 

The day started out as normal as can be; I hung out with Lacey Gray, ate food, and did the usual which was normally absolutely nothing. That night, Lacey and I spent some time at my sister's Apartment. It got late, and Juli worked early, so we left so she could sleep. Not wanting to go home yet, we called our good friend Alex Plaster to see what he was up too. He told us he was at Betos eating with Ben, Tyson, and Michael Riding. He invited us down to join them and without consulting Lacey I immediately accepted the invitation. I didn't know this Michael person very well, but had heard a lot about him and was very interested. After getting off the phone, I told Lacey where we were going and seeing as I was driving, she didn't have a choice.

At Betos: Lacey and Mike

After Betos, Ben, Lacey, Mike and I ended up going to Nelson's Grove. We played on the giant swing, then Mike and I ran over to a pavilion to try and climb it. Once on top of the pavilion, we talked for quite some time about pretty much any topic that came to mind. 

Then, me being the lady like person that I am, I asked Mike if he had ever tried spitting twice in a row in an attempt to hit the exact same spot. 

Michael must not have minded THAT much because at the end of the night he had asked for my number and we had planned a date!

April 3, 2012 

Mike went to the LDS Temple with Alex Plaster. During a session, he leaned over to Alex saying that he felt like he was going to date and/or marry Katie Wagner. Obviously not mentioning anything to me, we ended up holding hands that night while watching Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. 

April 4, 2012 

It was the day of our planned date! We were going to go down to RiverWoods and just hang out for a while and then go to see the Titanic in 3D. All that day I was extremely nervous. I didn't know what to expect!

As it turns out, I shouldn't have been worried at all because the date ended up going SO AMAZINGLY! We walked around and talked very openly and easily with no awkward pauses. We got into the movie and as we were watching, and that's when the thought entered my mind that I wanted to marry Mike.  Freaked out beyond belief, I pushed it away a couple of times; but the thought just kept coming back to me. Obviously I didn't mention anything to Mike but when I got home, I told my Mother that I was going to marry him, but she disregarded the thought, thinking I was just twitter-pated. 

April 5, 2012 

We went up the canyon with Lacey, Alex, and Hannah. 
Unsure of how Mike was feeling, I tried my hardest to casually keep his attention. 

That night Mike and I went 80's dancing in Salt Lake. It was just the 2 of us and although at first I felt slightly uncomfortable/awkward. 
However, I honestly had so much fun! It allowed us more time to just spend together. I remember while we were driving back Mike reached over and held my hand and I was trying my hardest to remain calm and act like it was nothing.
 That night I got home extremely late but I still went to my Mother's room, woke her up, and told her again that I was going to marry Mike. This time she took me more seriously and she ended up not getting much sleep that night just because she was thinking... 
Oops! :)

April 6, 2012 

We were all hanging out at Hannah Porter's house and everyone decided it was getting late and wanted to head home. Mike, Alex, and I just ended up heading to my house. 
We sat in my living room until 5:00 in the morning talking! Time flew by and before we knew it the sun was about to come up! 

April 7, 2012 

We went on a date to a Real Salt Lake Soccer game with Taylor and Ben Savio. Mike and I didn't end up paying too much attention to the game because we were talking almost the entire time; asking questions to get to know each other better. 
Although we were on a group date, 
it felt as though Michael and I were the only ones there. 
This was the night I kind of got a feel for what was going through Mike's head for the first time. We were talking about what kinds of pets we wanted when we each grew up, and Mike said a cat and a dog. I looked at him and said "Oooooh I'm allergic to cats." At this point Mike looked at me and said "Oh, probably just a dog then."

April 8, 2012 

That night our friends got together and had Friend Home Evening. When it came time that peole needed to go home, Mike was downstairs so I offered to take Julie, Mike's little sister who I've known and been friends with since 7th grade, and Todd home. We get to Mike/Julie's house and Todd heads home but Julie and I sit in the car and talk for a while. 
She asked me what I thought of Mike, and I flat out told her that I wanted to marry her brother. 
I was scared of how she may react because it had only been 6 days but to my surprise, she was extremely excited and happy about it! 
After discussing things with her for a while, I returned back to Alex's house only to notice that Lacey had just been crying. I come to find out later that Mike had been telling Lacey and Alex the same thing about me! Crazy how things tend to work out huh?

April 9, 2012 

Mike and I head to his cousin Jay's work party. It's located in a building near Sammy's in Provo near a parking garage. 
After we say hi to his cousin, we end up on top of this parking garage. We're in a corner talking for a while when Mike hugs me says those 3 words that can make or break any situation: "I love you." 
Without hesitation, I found myself saying them back to him only my mouth was moving faster then my brain and I ended up continuing with: "I want to marry you." I knew that what I said was true but I wasn't expecting to actually tell him this so quickly!
 To be honest the next part is kind of a blur because I was still thinking: I can't believe I just told him that, but somehow we ended up praying about the decision to get married only to get the confirmation that we felt good about it. Both of us were pretty shaken and decided we needed to go home and tell our parents about it...

Obviously a little skeptical, we started making plans for the 16th of August. 

A couple of Engagement Pictures! :)



Katie Lapriel