Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Perfect Christmas Tree

This year, we had our work cut out for us when looking for a Christmas Tree. We couldn't make it up to get permits for the place we normally go, so this year, we tried new terrain. We had no idea what to expect! So, we packed the pups, our snowshoes, a few saws, rope & lots of warm layers. We drove south for a little over an hour until we turned off plowed roads & continued in 4 wheel drive up the mountain. The pups were going crazy! They were so excited to get out in the snow! Well... Raven was pumped. Frank doesn't last very long but that doesn't keep him from getting excited! Finally, we turn off the road, park, & are off up this mountain in search for 2 perfectly lopsided trees.
My favorite part was watching Raven light up in the snow. She loved jumping around & running circles around us. Frank tried his hardest to keep up but when the snow is over your back, you get cold pretty quick. So we wrapped him in a blanket & stowed him in Michael's backpack. Although I don't think he enjoyed it,  he seemed grateful for the warmth.

Surprisingly, this year it didn't take us too long to find our trees! I was surprised/embarrassed by how quickly my parents were moving & how out of breath I was! They probably could have lapped me. It was rough. After finding our trees & dragging them back down, we loaded them, tied them then headed back down the mountain. My Mom is the sweetest person, by the way. She had hot chocolate & wassail waiting for us in the car! I hope I am that thoughtful when I have children!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Marine Corps Ball 2015

I'm We just found out that Michael will be getting out of the Marines August of 2016. That being said, I'm so grateful that even though this will be our last official Ball, I'm so glad we ended it on this one.

We decided to make this years Ball one to remember. We have met some amazing people through the Marine Corps. But Mitchall & Rae Bierma have got to be our greatest blessings.
This year, Rae came down from Idaho Falls for the weekend. While the boys were off doing their civic duty, we drove up to Park City & shopped till we dropped. They had just found out that they were having a boy so we may have gone a little overboard, but we sure had fun!

Then, we went back to our hotels to get ready.
I felt like I was back in high school getting ready to go to a dance! Rae came down to our room & let me curl her hair! I absolutely loved it!
Then, once the men were ready, we headed to the Marriott for the ceremony/dance party.
Honestly, my most favorite part of the entire evening is when they explain the table in the corner.
Obviously I'm paraphrasing, but it goes something like this...

"Every year at the Marine Corps Ball, a tbel is set with a black cloth draped over it. A single candle is let and the dinnerware is inverted. This table honors those Marines who have passed on defending our freedom."

Whenever they recite this, I think to myself how lucky we are to have men & women willing to put this great country first. I'm so proud to be a part of this! I love the Marine Corps family & more than anything, I love my Marine.