Monday, August 26, 2013


We are absolutely in love with Denver!
This vacation was just what we needed! 
We were able to take off without worrying 
about Frank, work, or the finances! 
(F R A N K  W A S  A T  M Y  S I S T E R S.)

We left Thursday evening hoping that we would be able to drive through the night, but unfortunately, we had to stop to sleep through the night.
It seems as soon as we got married, we got so old!
We cant even make it through an evening drive switching off drivers!
Man... W E  G O T  O L D  F A S T!

After a great nights rest, we F I N A L L Y made it!
When we got there, we took a dip in the pool, and then got ready for the
Dave Matthews Band Concert!

"W O W"
It was seriously one of the most amazing concerts
I have ever attended!
I wasn't a hug fan of Dave Matthews,
but after T H A T show, I can't get enough!

This is outside the Dick's Sporting Goods Park where the concert took place.
We met some pretty cool people there waiting in line!
They told us about a new venue that we absolutely plan on attending one day!
It's called the G O R G E!
It was lucky that we were able to hear about this!
We were so excited to learn that Snoop Dog was opening for Dave Matthews.
Both of us agreed that he put on a terrible show.
Poor guy...

I don't think I've ever seen Mike so giddy in our whole relationship!
He was like a little boy on Christmas morning. It made the trip all worth it!
So happy we were able to make this happen!
Just look at that face!

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The next day, we headed off to the Denver Botanical Gardens! 
We thought it would be so beautiful, but both of us ended up being pretty disappointed!
We were trying really hard to enjoy it, but the entire time we were surrounded by people really into gardening!
They were feeling the leaves, discussing the texture and the moisture on them.
Then they would record their thoughts in a notebook!
Basically, we felt really out of place!

Although they did have some G O R G E O U S water gardens! 
They were my favorite!

Other than the water gardens, we'd much rather take
a stroll around Temple Square during Spring!

After we spent 45 minutes in the Gardens, we hurried over to Elitch Gardens!
It is America's only downtown theme park!
It was so fun!
We were able to see a couple of shows and to go on some unique rides!

These guys are called the A F R I C A N  A C R O B A T S!
They were pretty incredible and so funny!
They were like the 2 potato bugs in the circus on the movie A bugs life!
They would just jump on each other like it was no big deal!
We really enjoyed it!

We also saw a way cool Motorcycle show! They were so amazing! In this picture, they had this guy walking on this huge circle while it was spinning around!
They also had a motorcyclist making some pretty scary jumps, and doing some really fun tricks!
T H E N as if that wasn't enough, they had 2 motorcyclists going around one of those metal circles!
The metal circle was so small and scary!
I thought I was going to have a heart attack!

Both of us L O V E D this ride! 
It was called Half Pipe, and it was pretty scary!
The coaster was literally a giant skateboard on a half pipe!
The seats on it spun around though, so you never knew 
what you would be looking at as you got higher!
 It was really clever, and unlike anything we had ever been on!

We loved spending our day at the Elitch Gardens!
Definitely a day we will never forget!

While at Elich Gardens, we asked a lady what we should do that night.
She said if it was our first time to Denver, we needed to go to the 16th Street Mall!
It is a whole street in downtown Denver devoted to shops!
It was B E A U T I F U L!

We wanted to be able to see the whole mall,
but walking the entire length of it was out of the question!
A theme park really sucks the energy out of you!
SOOOO... Meet Scott! He was our bike taxi driver!
He took us all over downtown Denver, so we got to see all of it!
It was by far our favorite part of the evening!
Michael felt like he was back in Madagascar!

We were so sad to have to leave our mini-vacation, but it was absolutely perfect!
We were able to be with each other 100% without worries of things from home.

On this vacation, we were able to fall in love all over again!
Not that we weren't in love before, but when you get time to yourselves, you get back to the roots of why you fell in love.
You are reminded how special each of you are.
You remember how perfect you are for each other.

Michael and I are truly the 2 P I E C E S  O F  A  P U Z Z L E that fit F L A W L E S S L Y.
My weaknesses are his strengths, and visa versa.
When Heavenly Father placed him in my life, he was giving me the best blessing of them all.
Michael exceeds everything I could have imagined for myself.
I am so grateful for what Heavenly Father gives me!

Thanks for reading,
The Ridings

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How Lucky I am

3 6 5  D A Y S
I can't believe it's been over a year since 
I married my best friend!
H O W   L U C K Y   I   A M!

We have a little trip planned this weekend, but we still 
wanted to plan something special closer to our anniversary!
My boss told me about a cute little B E D  &  B R E A K F A S T  called  T H E  A L A S K A N  I N N!
They have separate cabins with different themes for any occasion!

We stayed at the Timberwolf Cabin

The whole place was decorated with wolves!
It really allowed for some needed relaxation!

They even had complimentary sparkling cider for us!

The next morning, we awoke to breakfast waiting for us at our door!
It was the most delicious french toast either of us have ever had!

I said it once, I'll say it again...
H O W   L U C K Y   I   A M!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

A Pup Among Dogs

Frankie is our sweet little doggy.
He just turned 3 Y E A R S  O L D, and is crazy playful!
In our new home, we are fortunate enough to have a dog park! 
Frank is normally awesome with other dogs, so tonight we decided to give it a try!

Poor Frank was 100% the new kid on the block!
The other dogs were so interested in him, he was scared out of his mind at first!
He wouldn't leave our side, and it was absolutely H I L A R I O U S!
The other dogs weren't picking on him, just wanting to play!

Of course we happened to pick a night to bring him that all the big dogs were out!
We had 2 Great Danes for crying out loud!

After about a half hour of cowering behind Mom & Dad, 
he finally warmed up to a couple of dogs that were more his size. 
He had so much fun and it was so good to be able to let him just run around! 

It's so fun being in this new apartment!
As soon as we got to the dog park, everyone there was introducing themselves
& their dogs!
We are so truly blessed! 

Erykah Badu

All of Michael's family is E X T R E M E L Y musically inclined.
Because of that gift, Michael has an obsession with finding new music, and attending concerts.
I am not opposed to this at all, but sometimes these concerts can get a little crazy...

Every Thursday at Pioneer Park in SLC, they throw these cheap concerts.
They are always a fun time, and can get pretty out of control.
I don't handle these kinds of situations well, but Michael is good about helping me feel comfortable.

This particular Thursday, a gal was playing named Erykah Badu. 
If you don't know her, most probably wont, I would suggest looking her up!
(D I S C L A I M E R: S H E  S W E A R S  A  L O T.)
She has an extremely unique voice, but definitely knows how to put on a good show!

Once we were threw with the concert, we decided to walk back home. 
On the way, we see a kid riding a bicycle seated for 7 passengers struggling to get up a hill on this bike all by himself!
We offered to help him, and he absolutely allowed us to jump on! 
We were so shocked and had so much fun pedaling this bike! It definitely was not easy,
but it was well worth the effort!

Living in Salt Lake City has been so good to us! 
We have had so many lucky experiences like this one!
We are so sad to have to leave!

Welcome to Ogden!

Our first day in Ogden was definitely a stressful one!
We spent all of the day unpacking and trying to get things all stowed away,
but that night, we made plans to have some fun!

We had heard that it was the W E B E R  C O U N T Y  S T A T E  F A I R!
Michael had a buddy from the Marines who had a couple of free tickets, so we jumped on them!
We invited Michael's little sister, Julie, and her boyfriend Michael.

At the fair, they had a real hypnotist!
I had never actually seen a show that worked, so I was completely enthralled with the show!
He had people thinking his arm was going thorough their bodies, he was disappearing,
and even at one point made them believe that he had killed one of the kids on the show!

Our 1st  A N N I V E R S A R Y is coming up, and although Michael already gave me this gorgeous pearl necklace for  it, I ended up spending more money on him on accident! 
(I  J U S T  C A N T  H E L P  M Y S E L F!)
I ended up going over budget by buying him this red, leather, gorgeous, F A N N Y  P A C K!
If you don't know us very well, we are all about the fanny pack!
Michael carried one around all throughout high school, and I sported one all over California on our honeymoon! Match made in heaven? T O T E S!

To even the gift giving, Michael bought me this S E N T S Y!
Anyone who knows me, knows I am obsessed with making my home smell good.
I've been addicted to candles ever since I can remember and have boughten my sisters far too many candles for presents over the past 20 years. 
These were perfect finds for us!
I can't believe it has already almost been a year of marriage to this guy! 
Time flies when you're having fun!
What's that phrase?
M A T C H  M A D E  I N  H E A V E N?
I can't think of a better way to describe our relationship!
I love this boy!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Payson Lakes

My family has started a new tradition where we go down to 
Payson Lakes, and camp for a weekend.
We just returned from this years camp out, and it was so much fun!
Unfortunately, it was so much fun that I forgot to take pictures... 
BUT, we did celebrate one of my nephews F I R S T  B I R T H D A Y!

It is so hard to believe that cute little Benjamin is already a one year old!
We bought him a cute little outfit, and I am so obsessed with this picture that my Brother sent me, that I can't help but post it!

We love this boy so much, and are so blessed to be able to watch as he is growing up! 
Happy 1st Birthday Benjamin!
We love you!


Michael and I are coming up on our first wedding anniversary.
We are also coming up on our move to Ogden, UT. 
Moving has become a bitter sweet taste in my mouth.

I am excited to begin a new adventure in Ogden, but sad to say goodbye to the friends and memories we have in Salt Lake City! 
The toughest part about the move, is being O N E  hour and F I F T E E N minutes away from our family.
I know in retrospect that isn't T H A T far from Orem, but it will be the farthest I've ever lived from my family and I am not looking forward to it.

I suppose the Lord has something new in store for us in 
Ogden and that is where we are supposed to be. 
So here is to a new A D V E N T U R E!
Here is to taking a leap of F A I T H

Ready or not, here we come!

Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day was such a lucky day for us:

We had so been looking forward to this day, and boy did it not disappoint!
We spent Pioneer Day Eve playing 4 square with Mike's brother Brad and his friend for a while,
and then decided to see The Lone Ranger at the Megaplex!
Being married, we find ourselves trying to get to bed earlier and earlier each night.
It is so fun for us when we actually have an evening
to relax and go out late!

The only thing I can relate it too is when little kids have a bedtime of 6:00pm, but
every once in a while, the parent allows their child to stay up until
8:00 or even if they are R E A L L Y  lucky, 9:00!

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The morning of the 24th, we got up pretty early and headed up to Ogden and met up with our good friends Michael, Jill, and their B E A U T I F U L daughter Olivia Garlick.
We had made plans to go to the Ogden Pioneer Parade, and although I am sure it wasn't as extravagant as the SLC parade, it was pretty impressive!

That night, Michael and I decided to attend the days of '47 rodeo!
It was absolutely amazing!
The Bull Riders were competing for a $200,000 G R A N D  P R I Z E!

Even though I A L W A Y S cheer for the animal, the cowboys were still pretty impressive!
I am so grateful to be living in Utah!
We feel so blessed to be able to celebrate our Pioneer heritage!
Happy Pioneer Day!