Friday, October 31, 2014

Hallow's Eve 2k14

The tradition of the Halloween Poetry reading continues! This year, we had a little different crowd and we held the event, but it was just as amazing as last. One of my favorite things about the tradition is telling people about it. When asked what I'm doing on Halloween and I respond saying I am attending a poetry reading, I get all sorts of strange looks. Little do they know, this isn't your ordinary poetry read. Strangely enough, everyone kept their poems fairly clean with few innuendoes until the very last poem by a one Ryan Miller. I've got only a few pictures from the evening, but the ones I do have are keepers! 

We had T H E    G R E A T   P U M P K I N  (played by Daniel Riding.)

G A N G S T E R S (played by Paige and Sam.)

Z O L T A R (Played by Dave Halladay.)

T H E   H I S P A N I C S (Played by Brad and Shannon.)

P R O F E S S O R    P L U M (Played by Michael Linley.)


M I S S .   P E A C O C K (Played by Me!)

Our Poem went a little something like this: 

It was calm that fateful night in the manner,
And in those late hours there was a mass killing there.

It happened on Hallow's eve with no one to see,
And it was quite quiet, eerie as can be.

Six guests make six suspects, a number reasonable indeed.
Clearly, clearly the killer was someone in need.

The invitations were sent to the wealthiest financial giants
To meet, greet, and flirt with the nation's most valuable clients.

White Bank Financial United was one of the finest institutions,
Mrs. White closed high value settlements and important conclusions.

Then there was Colonel Mustard, that bloated old bloke,
with billions in WBFU shares, if he went under she'd go broke.

But Mr. Green was at the top with Green Financial
Making, selling, and laundering money put his profits beyond monumental.

Mrs. Scarlet was Green's mistress, almost more than he could handle,
but mum's the word, no one knows of this expensive scandal.

Monopolies colored the nation's map painted by Miss Peacock,
And she's made it quite clear that unless she's dead the monopolies won't stop.

Teaching economics at Oxford for decades
Has taught me how to run this expensive parade.

One may ask, understandably, why I was present,
Because compared to all of them I seemed but a peasant.

I'll tell you why I was asked to go:
I knew what was happening to and fro.

Under the table cash for the Colonel 
Promised Mrs. White status eternal.

Not to mention Green's illegal success,
Set him as royalty in the nation's press.

I knew of the sex affair between Green and Scarlet,
I knew her husband unknowingly married a harlot.

Miss Peacock was rich without a doubt,
I knew how she worked and who she wanted out.

So don't be fooled by all of the beautiful colors
And how "cordial" they acted in front of each other.

It was a bloodbath in the house that night,
Over-due murders that were fueled by plight.

First, a rib cage displacement via knife to the heart
Life five frightened guests without a clue where to start.

Next, a body strangled by a noose was exposed
Hung, neck broken, an idea: perhaps suicide was proposed.

Nay! Foul play was the ruled conclusion
Because found on the skull was a nasty candlesticked contusion.

With four uneasy dignitaries and an unknown killer,
Left us holding our breath, trying to keep stiller.

A gunshot was heard and a body thudded to the floor.
"Oh no," someone whispered, "there goes one more!"

Three then remaining and the small group split up,
The only clues of the murders were the left-behind props.

I came upon another corpse, the body dead ripe,
Blunt force trauma to the head with a heavy lead pipe.

"That leaves only the killer and I," I thought to myself,
"It's too late for an attempt to call out for help."

Mrs. White was stabbed and Green shot dead
Left Colonel Mustard alone from the fatal pipe to the head.

Miss Scarlet hung still, head bleeding in the study,
"Odd," I whispered, "the weapons lie next to each and every body."

Still in the study I noticed the candlestick missing,
A one-on-one hunt has begun and is going to get risky.

I glanced to my right and to my relieved delight
I spotted a heavy steel wrench for own self-defense.

I'm scribbling this narrative in somewhat of a frenzied fashion,
Hiding all alone in this horror-filled mansion.

So read this, read this! Read this I plea
Because I feel in my already cold heart the Peacock's desire to monopolize me!

X O X 

K A T I E   G O O S E

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dracula Vs. The Mummy

A couple of weeks ago, we had the Bedingfield's over for dinner-in-a-pumpkin, carving, fondu, then we attended a show at the Off Broadway Theatre. I know, every time we hang out with them, I say how grateful we are to have them in our lives, but I truly mean it! They are absolutely amazing people! I don't think anyone makes Michael laugh harder than Ian Bedingfield (or BobbyJames Hubbard when they are in town! We miss Becky & BJ so much!) That being said, if you've ever seen Michael laugh really hard, you know it's something special. He's laugh is infectious. 
Anyway, enjoy our fun evening! 

Things got a little cray cray with the fondu! 

The Off Broadway Theatre is on Main Street in Downtown SLC which means there is absolutely zero parking nearby. Ian & Sharesa scored a sweet spot just a bit down from the theatre, but Michael & I ended up walking over a mile to get to the theatre! Just kidding.... It was a few blocks, but we had to walk quickly to make it on time! 


K A T I E    G O O S E 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I'm Divergent.

If you haven't guessed, the Staheli's are our favorite. I talk to my sweet cousin Allison 24/7 and if I'm not talking to her, we are either sleeping or in a meeting and will be talking shortly. So, instead of racking up the phone bill all the time, we try to get together with them A S A P .  Last night, we had a night in! We ate pizza, got tattoos, and watched D I V E R G E N T !  
It was just what I needed to start our weekend!

Then my sweet husband stayed awake with me playing cards when I couldn't sleep! No joke, I am so blessed to have such a thoughtful man!


K A T I E   G O O S E

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Temple Night!

With school starting and the new job schedule, our Temple attendance has definitely suffered. I know, I know. It's no excuse when we have so many Temples so close to us!
 I realize that, but we are trying to make up fir it & have finally settled into our crazy schedules a bit more, so got our little bum bums to the Temple! 
Allison & Jordan have been trying for weeks to get us to the Temple with them, but things have always come up. So, last night, met them at the Salt Lake City Temple! Sure life gets moving quickly and we forget to put the Lord first, but as we have learned in the past, when you take the time to put the Lord first, the rest of your life seems to fall better into balance. So thanks to Allison & Jordan for not giving up on us! ... & for the iHop!


S I S T E R   K A T I E   G O O S E

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Columbus Day

A definite perk of working at the Credit Union is having the Holiday's off! Monday, it just so happened to be Columbus Day! So, I woke up early and headed out to go shopping in my ugliest outfit, with no make up, no shower, and not a care in the world! 

Once Michael got home, we decided we wanted to head up the canyon to see all of the beautiful changing leaves! While driving up Emigration Canyon, we happened across the cutest little diner called Ruth's and stopped for dinner! Our impromptu date night was just what we needed to start out our weeks! 

When we got home that night, Michael saw all I had bought earlier in the day and called me out on every little thing! I thought I was sneaky enough that he wouldn't notice, but he did! He sat there laughing at everything while I cried because I embarrassed I had even tried to fly under the radar! I am so lucky to have found a man who laughs with me!
I spent my night laughing and enjoying time with my love. 
How could life possibly get any better?


K A T I E   G O O S E

Monday, October 13, 2014

Hannah's 22nd!

As many have heard, my best friend is finally home from her mission. I am super proud of her hard work, but I have definitely felt a part of me that was missing while she was out. Today Hannah Katie's 22nd Birthday, so in honor of her, we had a little girls weekend! Miranda and Hannah came up to stay with me last Saturday/Sunday and it was absolutely perfect! These girls are seriously my sisters and I am so grateful for them in my life! When Hannah and her family moved to Utah, Hannah had no idea why. I can tell you why. The Porters moved to Utah because I needed them. It sounds extremely selfish, but it's the truth. The influence that family has had in my life is like none other. Aside from my own family, they have had a huge impact on how I turned out. 

Hannah has always been a guiding light for me and an amazing example. She literally is my sole sister and I would do absolutely anything for her!

For her little Birthday shindig, we went to lunch, and it was a disgusting lunch, shopped around, ate cereal, painted nails, went to the park, watched The Fault In our Stars, Played cards, Watched Gilmore Girls, & laughed lots. It was a perfect weekend.

So pull up a chair and welcome back to the Hannah & Katie show! 

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y    H A N N A H   K !


K A T I E   G O O S E


Every year, we try our hardest to get really into the Jazz season. Unfortunately for us, our lives get way to busy and the Jazz season just flies by without even a thought from us. This year, our dear friend Michael Garlick invited us to attend the Jazz scrimmage last week. The boys were really into it, but my favorite part was watching this little boy switch in at the end of the game. That little dude was the highlight of the evening!

We absolutely love living up North and consider ourselves so lucky to be able to experience these kinds of things! 


K A T I E   G O O S E 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

October Conference

As a member of the LDS community, General Conference is a much anticipated time of the year. What is General Conference? I'm glad you asked. General Conference happens every 6 months. We all gather around our television screens, in our church meeting houses, around radios, or if lucky enough, into the conference center on Temple Square to listen to the teachings of our church leaders. This October, Michael and I were fortunate enough to be offered tickets to the Sunday morning session from his Uncle! Obviously we jumped on the opportunity to attend!

X O X 

K A T I E   G O O S E 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Where has my life gone?

Holy cow! How quickly life moves! I can't believe that a week ago I was blogging about my best friends long awaited return and now she is home and I've seen her twice! Since so much has occurred this last week, better to just post it all in one with  L O T S  of pictures! 

For  F H E  last week, we played a game called  P I C K L E .   It's a really fun card game that Michael taught me. The only issue with this game is that Michael always wins. Always. Even when I cheat! I don't know how he does it, but apparently I have terrible luck. It'a a good thing he is so darn cute!

Last week was my first day of training for   M A C U !   On my 3rd day of training, I drove over to Jordan Landing to get some fresh air, but when I attempted to turn my car on,  
N O T H I N G   H A P P E N E D! Lucky for me, we have Dad. He saved my tail! So, one car battery later, we've got our car up and running again!

Friday, we went to the Staheli home for some good old fashion fun! Bryan & Kara drove up from Pleasant Grove with pizza dough and toppings, we brought fruit, and the Staheli's provided a delicious dessert! After our meal, we settled in with Curses... Sweet Allison was stuck with her hands like this all evening! 

Then, Saturday morning before getting to the housework. Frank and I went on a little adventure across the street to the park. We took a couple laps around and then ended our morning in the tennis courts where I let him off his leash and he ran to his hearts content! This pup sure does love to play! 

H A N N A H   K A T I E  is finally home! Why did I choose this picture to post when neither of us were ready? Bottom left. Miranda. Nuff said. 

This past week has been rough as far as our dietary needs. I've tried to cook but it seems nothing I've made has gone the right way. So, Michael has taken advantage of my crappy cooking and is using that time for his leisure reading. Currently, we are reading Unbroken. Okay... Michael is reading it and he fills me in with what's going on, but look how cute he is! 

On this particular evening, he came out of the bedroom in sweats and told me to go get in my comfy's so we can go get some grub! I love this man!


K A T I E   G O O S E