Saturday, December 27, 2014

KocherMayWagsBlinSmellSwainSenNook Gone Holiday

Meet my people: 

Kara (Kocherhans) Wadsworth, Olivia (Maybe) Parmley, Katie (Wags) Riding, Hailey Hamblin, Kristen (Mella) Hamblin, Carly Swain, Frances (Sorensen) Grover, Ciarah Cook

These girls are my sisters. We see each other at least once a year for our Holiday party, but it feels like no time passes. Every year, we get together, eat, laugh, cry, dance, sing, laugh, cry some more, laugh, pose for awkward pictures, laugh & then cry once again. 

I don't know how I got so lucky to be included in this family, but I am grateful I was at the right place at the right time to be loved by these girls. They are people I look up to and have the uttermost respect for. I can tell them anything & trust they will take care of me. 

I love my sisters.



Friday, December 26, 2014

Temple Christmas Lights

I have no idea why these pictures are uploading blurry, but we can just deal. Friday after Christmas, the Wagner clan decided we would meet up at Juli & Jeff's house for dinner ,then make our way over to Temple Square for a stroll through the Christmas lights. 

The Salt Lake Temple has always been one of my favorites. Growing up on the east coast, I was always shown pictures of this Temple & the feeling that came along with these pictures was different than the others. Then, when Michael & I decided to get married, I knew we would be sealed here. Not just because it resembles a castle, but because I am fascinated with the history behind this magnificent building. 

 I have always felt for the earlier saints who sacrificed so much for the completion of this Temple. I feel that by attending this Temple, I am honoring their sacrifices. 

I am so grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 
I am grateful for Temples & the ordinances we perform in these sacred places.
I am grateful that I can be sealed to my people for time  &   A L L   E T E R N I T Y ! 
I am grateful for my brother, Jesus Christ, who died so that I can return to live with Heavenly Father again. I know these things to be true.

If ever you find yourself wanting to learn more about the "Mormons," click here.



Thursday, December 25, 2014

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

What a Merry Christmas we had! Normally, the Wagner house is up around 6 AM, but this year we decided to do things quite a bit differently. Brother Bryan was very disappointed in us. We didn't get to the present opening until nearly 10:00 which is absolutely unheard of!

However, this year did bring it's challenges.
I woke up Christmas morning with an awful toothache! I took ibuprofen, but it just wasn't enough. 
So, I ended up on something a little stronger that caused me to be the entertainment of the morning... Luckily, I got used to the medication and I wasn't crazy for the concert that night!

This year, Michael & I did something I never thought I would do.
We sang a song just the 2 of us.  W H A T ?  Me? Singing a solo? I don't know what got into me, but we had so much fun preparing it, how could I not? We decided to sing a classic, 
I    S A W    M A M M A    K I S S I N G    S A N T A   C L A U S !
We sang the 1st verse as normal but then decided it would be fun to add on to it. Our addition went a little something like this: 

"I saw Daddy tackle Santa Claus, underneath the mistletoe last night.
He didn't see him creep, down the stairs to have a peek.
He thought that Pops was tucked up in his bedroom fast asleep.

I saw Mommy wave to Santa Claus, as he left our house that snowy night!
Oh, what a laugh it truly was, & I'm laughing just because.
Momma got caught kissing Santa Claus!"

I don't know about you, but I think it should be added to the official lyrics. 

Now comes my most favorite memory of the evening. After everyone left, we all sat around talking for a while, which then for no reason in particular turned into a giant 80's dance party! 
I mean how many families end their Christmas dancing! Everyone in the family joined in & it was a Christmas event I won't soon forget. 

Each Holiday being married stretches my comfort zone far more than I ever thought possible. Although in the moment I am stressed, nervous, & a little sick, each memory helps be become a little bit better.

Merry Christmas!



Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bryan & Kara's Babyshower

Bryan & Kara are having a baby! While this is old news, the past few weeks of my life has been devoted to getting a baby shower together. Kara isn't due for a few months, but we wanted to make sure we got a shower in before Jayme headed back to Ohio after the Holidays. After asking Kara & Bryan for a few themes, we came up with: Airplanes. Sounds easy enough, but it took me hours to get everything together! Finally, we were able to set it up and see how it all looked. I was pretty proud of how everything pulled together. Take a look!

The clouds are made of batting sewn together by fishing lining. Aren't they just the cutest?

This sign has precut letters, but everything else was hand cut and glued together.
It didn't take long, and it was a nice touch!

Aren't they just the cutest? They are going to make the such amazing parents. 
Their little man is one lucky dude.

Sweet Grandma & Grandpa let us hold the baby shower at their house. It was a perfect setting.


K A T I E   G O O S E

Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Garlick Hot Cocoa Bar

Jill Garlick is the cutest little lady  E V E R !   Next holiday season, when planning your festivities consider a Hot Chocolate Bar! She had mini mallows, whipped cream, a plethora of chocolate varieties, and games to keep us busy for hours! Everyone had a blast, and it was such a creative idea.


K A T I E  G O O S E

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lasson Family Xmas party

Grandma & Grandpa sure do know how to throw a party! Although our group this year was significantly smaller than years past, we still had a fun time! We played games, ate, and caught up on each others lives. There is no better way to get into the Christmas spirit than spending time with family! 

X O 

K A T I E   G O O S E

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Festival of Trees

Until this year, Michael & I have not had the opportunity to attend to Festival of Trees! Every year I say that I am going to go, then the Christmas parties start & finding a free night becomes almost impossible. This year, we planned the festivities early & I am sure glad we did. Ian & Sharesa are old pros when it comes to the Festival, so they showed us how it was done. Our favorites were the Harry Potter tree, the White Christmas tree, (obviously. It's my fav movie.) & the Despicable Me tree! Check it! 

X O 


Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas Tree Hunting

Ever year we head up Provo Canyon on the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree. This year, our group was definitely the smallest yet, but it was just as fun as ever! Unfortunately, Michael was scheduled to work and trying to find someone to take your shift on a holiday weekend is much easier said than done! So, I was left to find the perfect tree for our home! Luckily, I had these amazing people along to help!

Dad & Buck are the best of friends.

We weren't out hunting for too long when we happened across this tree! The best part of finding one on the mountain is that it is far from perfect. Each tree has it's own character which makes every year different.

 *An important thing to remember though is the tree always looks smaller than it actually is on the mountain. Once you get it home, you generally have to cut off a few feet.*

Then, you haul the tree all the way back to your car and strap it down tight!

There is this adoable lodge across the parking lot from where we go. 
It's tradition we head in there and buy hot chocolate that is always too hot to drink until halfway home. Lucky for me, I don't like hot chocolate so I generally get a Dr. Pepper. Mmm!

By the time we are finished, the drive home is a welcome rest. The pups generally sleep the whole way home and we enjoy Christmas song after Christmas song. 

In other news. I accidentally bought a new laptop. Strange how that happens...



Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gratitude 20fourteen

Guys. I'm just gonna say it. Michael Linley is a freaking  B A M F !   I really want to use another term, but since once posted on the internet, it's out there forever, I refrain and keep with my original term,
  B A M F .  I wonder each day how I got so lucky to have him all to myself. 

Needless to say, this Thanksgiving when the fam gathered around the table to say what we are grateful for, Michael Linley was top of my list. 

One time while talking to Mike's sister, she asked me if he was everything I ever wanted on my list. You know the one every girl writes about their future husbands when they are 13? I told her that he far exceeds anything my 13 year old self could have ever imagined. 

2nd on my list this year is Frank. He completes this family. 
I won't go on about him though, because I really don't feel like embarrassing myself.
Let's just leave it at this; I really love our pup. 

In short, I'm thankful for my boys.


Katie Goose

Saturday, November 22, 2014


For those of you who have not had the pleasure of seeing this movie, you must immediately drop whatever it is you are doing and rush to the next showing. It is totes worth paying full price for! If you haven't seen the first couple of movies, watch them stat and then get your buns into a theater! I will warn you that it does end right in the middle of the story so be prepared to be left on the edge of your seat! 

I won't go into specifics because I do not want to spoil it, but at one point in this super fantastic movie, something rather unexpected happens and since Michael hasn't read the books he had no idea it was coming. The poor kid jumps and nearly yells a cuss word loud enough for the 
E N T I R E  audience to hear him! I'll never forget the look on his face! That, my friends, will be a favorite memory for this year!


Katie Goose