Friday, June 28, 2013


Every year, Michael has to leave me for anywhere from 2-4 weeks to train with the Marine Corps. Well, Michael leaves me tomorrow for 15 days... KILL ME NOW! It will be the longest we have been a part, and the least we will be able to talk. I am just so grateful for this man and the amazing influence he is on my life!

Here is to the next two weeks of DIY decorations for our new apartment!

No Longer a Teenager!

Growing up is kind of a bitter sweet situation. My 20th birthday just passed and Mike made it a Birthday to remember! However, I feel sad to be leaving my teenage years! The teenage years were amazing and I guess it is just time to let them go!
I am very excited to be entering into a whole new part of my life though!
Michael spoiled me rotten for my Birthday! He took me shopping and let me spend way to much money! Then he got me my favorite food for dinner. (Pizza) and had a relaxing night of watching movies! How perfect is that??
Since my Birthday was on Monday, we celebrated on Saturday! It was definitely a memorable celebration!!
Then, on Monday, when I got home, Mike was waiting for me with our favorite donuts! He had pulled one out and lit 20 candles and sang to me when I walked in the door! It was such a perfect greeting! Unfortunately, the candles burned out of wax and started boiling the donut! It was wonderful! :)

That evening, we went to FHE and our amazing friends surprised me with decorations, and a candle lit cake! Who could have asked for as better celebration!? 
I am so blessed!

A New Look!

Alright, So as many know, I've been working for years on growing my hair out. After so long, I finally feel like it is getting longer.
Girls, you'll understand how frustrating it is to grow it out. You feel as though you aren't making progress and It is always the same style!
Lucky for me, I have an amazing hairstylist. (She also happens to be one of my best friends!) Kara Kocherhans! She is amazing! I trust her with anything she wants to do with my hair!
Anyway, Mike had this bright idea that I should cut bangs... So we did! We are loving them! Although they do require a lot of upkeep, they are pretty fun!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Laser Field

Living in Salt Lake City has provided us with many opportunities 
to be with our new friends! 
We decided to try and put together a FHE group, and much to our delight, it has been quite a success!

I'm going to post some of our activity ideas.. I always forget to take pictures while doing things, but hopefully I will get better!

On this particular occasion  my random brain decided it would be so fun to set up a pretend laser field in our home. 
We took red yarn and taped it down our hallway in a pretty complex pattern. (Not really. We just zigzagged down the wall.) 
It looked a little something like this:

I didn't know I was so flexible!
You learn a lot about yourself when going to a laser field of death!

I didn't get a picture of it, but Becky actually taped her pants to her ankles so as not to burn herself on those lasers! OUCH!

Mike and Ian were probably the most creative when it came to going through.
They folded their bodies in ways we never thought possible!

Sharesa was moving so quickly,
it was hard to catch a still shot!

BobbyJames really got into it! Look at that form!

This is just one of my many ideas! More to come!
My random brain sure does make for a fun activity!

Thanks for Reading!
The Ridings :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013


The week after we got back from Disneyland, we were fortunate enough to be able to go to Frisco, Colorado with the Mike's family!
We did so much, I couldn't possibly post all of it, but here is a summary in pictures!
Found some fun costumes at the Childrens Museum!

Hiking to Hanging Falls with the family!

This day was such an "Adventure!"
This swing takes you over a cliff 1,700 feet off the ground! 
Plus, we went on cool cave tours, a way fun alpine slide, AND a roller coaster that is the highest elevated coaster in North America! 
Quite a sucessful day!

Thanks for reading!

The Ridings :)