Thursday, April 24, 2014


That's right folks! Today at work, I held a real baby  K A N G A R O O !  I couldn't believe it! The Kangaroo owner said that that it was a therapy animal! My Grandmother said that in the hospital sometimes they have animals come around to bring comfort to the sick! What an amazing program! I am so sure that this program works because it made my day! Not many people can say they have cuddled a baby kangaroo! ✔ that one off the bucket list!
(Also, 9 days until these toes hit the beach!)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Tuesday we ended up having quite the lazy day! I don't even think we left the house! Both of us felt so groggy and gross that we really needed to get out that night! After dinner, we went and played an intense game of mini golf   U N D E R   T H E   S E A ! Poor Michael didn't stand a chance! First hole I got a   H O L E - I N - O N E ! Talk about having a lucky game! I don't think I've ever played a better round! For the sake of Michael, I won't mention the final score... (I won by 7 pts.) We then rounded out our evening with a couple of 6D movies which just got us even more excited for Disneyland! Can you believe we have only 10 days left! I can hardly stand it! We both could use the vacation! The days seem only to be getting longer! 
Until then, we will just have to keep having our mini adventures! 


Katie LaPriel


On Monday, we decided to have a little  F H E  with one of Michael's military buddies. Which one? A J O R D A N   P R U E. We seriously love this man and don't know how Michael would have made it this far without him! We rode our bikes down to Vintage Park and threw the frisbee for a bit, I sturggled throwing for very long, so we decided to play some good old fashioned Lava Tag... It was all fun and games until I   F E L L   really hard and had quite the embarrassing moment!
 Lucky for me, they only laughed a little bit!
 Nothing goes better with children's play than Ice Cream, so we headed over to River Woods to get some! As hard as it was for us to swallow moving in with my Parents, it really has proven to be so much fun! We are so blessed to be surrounded with loving/supportive friends and family!

Katie LaPriel

Easters 2014

It is so hard to believe Easter has come and gone! So many things to remember during this time. First of all I am so blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. I am so blessed to know of my Savior's sacrifice and resurrection. I am so blessed to have the ability to repent when I do wrong. I am blessed to be sealed for time and all eternity because of Him. I attribute everything I have to Jesus Christ & Heavenly Father. Happy Easter! He is Risen!


Katie LaPriel

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Disneyland 2014 Prep

So in less than 2 weeks, we will be in Disneyland! Can you believe it!? It seems so far away and yet so close! So, on Saturday after work, we headed to Allison's house to finalize our plans! We absolutely cannot wait! Seriously we can't think of better people to be going with than Allison & Jordan! We sure do love them and look forward to spending a couple of days together! 
Here we go.... (See what I did there? Peter Pan?)


Katie LaPriel

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Living in the Past

Last night, Michael and I were able to go on a date! I feel like it has been so long since we have gone on an "official date." It felt so good! 

We started out at Malawi's for dinner. It was so fun to be able to relive our first date! We weren't able to sit in the same booth, but we still got the general feel of it! 

Then we ate that brown looking crushed stuff that crazy people put on their pizzas! I have no idea how people eat that! We wouldn't do it again except I'm one for tradition! Michael was so upset about having to eat it again! On our first date I made sweet Michael try this stuff with me. Poor kid. 

Then, we saw Divergent! We loved this movie! I haven't read the books yet, but I absolutely loved the movie! 

To end our evening, we ran through the sprinklers at the neighbors house! It ended in mostly Michael holding me in front of him to block the water, but it was fun none the less! All in all, it was an extremely successful evening! Boy do I love this man! 


Katie LaPriel

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our Life As We Know It

Our marriage has now turned into occasional hang outs and lots of sleep. With working 10 hour days and Michael being at school all day, we get to be together for a second before going to sleep so we can wand up and do it all again! Honestly, we both don't like it but these are the sacrifices that need to be made in order to achieve our goals! Sure do hope its worth it because I am definitely missing my best friend! 


Katie LaPriel

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day in O-town... The Ghetto One!

Today, we decided we wanted to head back to Ogden for a day. Basically, while Michael was at school, I played all day with my besties! Thanks for such a fun day! 
This is Jill. We love her, especially when she looks cray cray! Seriously I am such a lucky lady to have this beauty as my right hand woman! 

Then there is this little peanut.  They seriously don't come cuter, I swear! Look at her perfection! 

We spent most of our day gathering material for this gorgeous headband! Jill is probably one of the most creative people I've ever met and I am so lucky to be a part of her brilliance! 

This is the beautiful headband that she designed/created! I mean, come on! I can't wait until the little peanut gets her dress so I can play photographer again! 

This man right here finished his last day in his Public Speaking class! Boy did we hate this class this semester, but I couldn't be more proud of him! (And look how handsome!) 

And now here we find ourselves. Making the drive we have done a million to many times! At least Michael let us stop for donuts! Mine was chocolate! Mmm! 


Katie LaPriel

Monday, April 14, 2014

Change of Plans

Well, after an extremely stressful week, we find ourselves at my parents house for the summer. No, this wasn't what we planned, but sometimes when you make plans, the Lord laughs! Let me explain, last week, we were all set to move into our apartment when they inform us that the military had not verified that Michael was indeed in the Marine Corps! The apartment we were trying to get was income restricted living arrangement and they were just waiting on the final piece of paperwork from the Marines. Long story short, the Marine Corps "doesn't work of Riding's timeline." Basically, we found ourselves homeless! So, my parents were gracious enough to allow us to move in for the summer! Michael will commute on the train for the rest of the semester, and I drive to Bountiful for work, but hey! It's an added $1,000 in our pockets! Thank goodness for loving/understanding parents!

This is how we did most of the move... Carrying lots of boxes down 3 flights of stairs didn't really sound like a fun time, so Michael caught them as we dropped them!

So if you live in the Orem area and wanna play, we are available! 



Friday, April 4, 2014

Working Gal!

Michael & I have been so blessed recently! When it seemed like we wouldn't catch a break, I found a job at Clearlink! Thanks to Maddy, I was able to get a job and make some money for our poor family! After about a week of working at Clearlink, I got a call from America First Credit Union telling me they have a position as a teller opening up! I obviously took it and am currently on my last day of training with them! AHH! Anyway, these are pictures from my 2 weeks at Clearlink! 

This is from the Annual Winter Party! It was so fun! This was my last day with my Clearlink Family! I really loved everyone I worked with! I am sad to have to say goodbye!

I will be taking this friendship with me! I love this girl! 

My family away from family

For anyone of you who actually read this who know me, you know Hannah and her family are my family. I love them so much! Since moving away from Orem, I haven't been able to get back to see them as much as I would like, but last drill weekend, I was able to spend Sunday with them! Yay!

So many good memories in this house with this family! I can't wait for Hannah to return!