Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kristian Ciarah Cook

Sometimes in life, you meet people that you can just tell will be friends for life. Lucky for me, I met these girls in high school and I know no matter what, friends for life will we be! We may not see each other everyday, but when we get together, it's like no time has passed.

Our most recent gathering was for Ciarah's Birthday yesterday! Honestly, nothing but grand words to say about this gal. I honestly don't think I've ever met someone who's laugh is so contagious! She is such a ray of sunshine in our lives!

Because we apparently struggle taking pictures, I had to crop these ones down from the group pictures... Priceless...

Although not all of us were able to be there, everyone was totes there in spirit! I am so grateful for my Junior year of high school when these girls decided to accept me into their family! 
Even when we marry, we are forever friends.

I cannot wait until Friday when all of us will finally be together! Obviously it will be a picture overload! I'm not ashamed!


Katie LaPriel

Girls Night!

New Blog Design! Holy lick is it late, but sometimes when you get excited about things, sleep just isn't an option and boy am I excited about the new look! What do you think? I'm obsessed!
Back to the original reason I write this post. 

Last weekend was Michael Linley's time with them thing they call the Marine Corps! It was his last drill before he heads out to Annual Training (his 2 week training) next month. I am so dreading next month! Please help it go by fast! 

Anyway, while Michael was away, I worked, then spent my evening with two of my favorite gals! My dear cousin Allison and our friend Amy. (Amy and I have only hung out a handful of times but I swear we are soul sisters! I just really heart her.) We met up at Thanksgiving Point and watched The Fault In Our Stars at the Mega Plex. I know, I know! I've already seen it, but I seriously haven't fallen in love with a movie like I have this one in such a long time! Yes, it is a sad movie, but not in the kind that makes you want to go kill yourself. It's more along the lines of a movie that makes you want to hug your loved ones a little tighter when you see them. 

Once the movie ended, we spent sometime in the bathroom attempting to salvage any make up we had on. Well, I might as well be honest, it was mostly me trying to fix my face! I can't help that I am an extreme crier... I get it from my Dad. Where was I... Oh! We got this awesome bathroom selfie! 

Ice cream obviously was a must, so we headed out to find some. After about an hour of nothing but laughing, we drove past the sister-wives house and headed home! Michael told me that he was staying on base that night so when I walked in the bedroom door and he was there, I was shocked!  Earlier in the evening, he called to say goodnight and pray with me when in reality, he was sitting in our bed the entire time! What a little sneak! 

It was the perfect ending to an amazing #girlsnightout


Katie LaPriel

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Parade of Homes

If there is one thing that I have gotten from my Mother, it is my love for DIY and my love for looking at other people's houses... As creepy as that sounds, that is exactly what we do come June! We try our hardest to make it to the Parade of Homes each year, but have missed the past 2 years due to other commitments. This year, we tried really hard to make it to as many houses as we could! This year, we left definitely feeling inspired!

It was back to the booties for us! For some reason,
they were  E X T R A  large this year. 

Michael Linley and I will have these in our house.
Disney quotes.

This theatre was absolutely amazing! It was dedicated to Harry Potter, but here is the kicker, 
I T    W A S   A L L   A U T O G R A P H E D !

X O 

K A T  I E   L A P R I E L


I have been dying to share these pictures with the world! A couple of weeks ago, I had the talented M A D I S O N   B O H A N N O N  take some pictures of Michael Linley and myself. I have been wanting to get some nice ones for a long time, but photographers are just so dang expensive! Lucky for me, I have an amazingly talented best friend who was generous enough to snap some shots! Huge Shout out to M A D D Y ! we love them! Check them out! Sorry there is kind of a lot, but she Has so much talent!


Maddy said I looked to formal and to do something with my hands, so I whipped out this ANTM move and then immediately felt awkward!

 I am one crazy soul, but these pictures are just too embarrassing not to share! It is a good thing Michael Linley makes me confident enough to share all of my embarrassing moments!

This man is my absolute favorite. 


K A T I E   L A P R I E L

Birthday Surprise!

Michael Linley has really out done himself. I do not know how I got so lucky! This past week was my  T W E N T Y - F I R S T  Birthday and Michael spoiled me! We slept in, made Crepes, my absolute  F A V  food in the entire world and relaxed all morning. Then, he went and donated plasma while my Mother and I went and got pedicures! Coincidentally, my Mother and I share the same Birthday! Every year, we figure out some special way to celebrate... As of a couple of years ago it is pedicures, but when we were younger we would celebrate by going to see a movie, just the  T W O  of us! I love sharing such a special day with such a special lady! After our Pedi's, Michael and I headed over to the dollar theater and saw Divergent per my request. Then, Michael had something so special planned! He had me close my eyes while we drove around for a while until finally he helped me get out of the car and across a street. At this point I still had no clue what was going on until he told me to open my eyes! When I did I saw we were at the parking garage where we decided to get married and where he proposed with a table, chairs, and dinner waiting for us! How adorable is this man! Then, I made a cake for my coworker, and we watched our favorite 80's television show  H U N T E R !  Basically, a perfect day with an even perfect man. 

Here is to year  T W E N T Y - O N E !

The pictures are a little blurry, but what can you do?


K A T I E   L A P R I E L 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Day with the Ducks

It has been way too long since we have been up to Ogden to visit our favorite little family! It is so crazy to think we were up there just a couple of months ago living our lives! I don't know how we would have made it through our year in Ogden without these guys!
We drove up on Monday and met with the Garlicks for a splendid day in the park! We went to the park and ate a delicious lunch, played with the ducks, and then played the most brutal, intense, painful and thrilling rounds of Bocce Ball!

Then Michael acted like a Goose.

Then I acted like I was as pregnant as Jill...
She may just be the cutest pregnant lady out there!

Then, we hurried back to Orem so we would be able to go to the Riding house hold for my Birthday Dinner! They are so kind! This is my niece Charli helping me open my present! 



This past weekend has been filled with lots of food, great company, and many loud conversations! The past couple of months, my aunts have been scheeming and planning a huge birthday bash for my Nanna! This year, she was so hoping for a quiet celebration of her 80th birthday, but when you have 11 kids, 43 grand kids, and countless great grandkids, the odds of that actually happening is zero! This post will mostly be of pictures since words just don't seem to do it justice! Plus, we had a million pictures taken and honestly, it's so much better seen than read! Sorry some of them uploaded blurry,but you do what you gotta do!

She is the cool kid on the block!

This is the other side of trying to get the great grandkids to look at the camera!

Isn't she the prettiest 80 year old you've ever seen?

Sweet Michael went through a lot to help me get some of these pictures! I literally have the most amazing husband in the world!

Happy Birthday Nana! We love you!