Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 27: Bump Update

Welcome to the third trimester! 
These pictures just don't do this bump justice, but oh boy is this little one growing! Weeks seem to flying by! I wish they would slow down! I feel like it was just yesterday I was FaceTiming Michael an image of that tiny pregnancy test! Yes, he found out while studying for a math test through FaceTime. I can't help it! I was so excited! Weight Gain? I only track it when I go in for my appointments. I don't want to obsess over it! I feel as though that will only stress me out more. So next appointment, I'll update. Sleep? It's pretty hit or miss. Some nights are restless while others are the best I've ever had. Although I wish it was a little more consistent, I'm grateful for those bursts of a good nights rest. Movement? This little one seems to be on his own sleep schedule. When I wake up, I can feel him moving all around. Then around 10 or 11 in the morning, I'll start to feel punches & kicks. Then again around 5. The rest of the night is random, but those other times I can pretty much guarantee a high five to the ribs. I do not mind one bit. I love feeling his wiggles! Emotions? Same as always; consistently inconsistent. Just feels like any emotion I feel is magnetized to 1,000,000. Swelling? I've noticed some definite swelling in my ankles & toes. After elevating them for a while though the swelling will go down. I have a feeling I'm in for quite a bit! Dogs? I'm beginning to worry about them more and more as we get closer. Frank had a hard time adjusting to Raven, I can only imagine how he will react to Ezra. Raven is our rock. It sounds silly, but she is one we can count on to always be our goofy girl. We love these pups! 

I can't think about giving birth or it stresses me out. At this point, I know I have to trust my body, doctors, and that Heavenly Father will watch over us. I read on another blog that before she went to the hospital, she had her husband give her a blessing. Absolutely am I planning on doing this. What an amazing way to start the scariest/most amazing experience a woman can have. Now, just to find someone to take care of the dogs while I'm in the hospital... Any volunteers? 

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